We have 52 swimmers attending the home meet tomorrow (7/6), there are still MANY open slots for volunteers and for donations to the concession stand. The concession stand is our easiest way to fundraise as families donate items and then the team is able to cover the cost of the pool rental for the meet. If your swimmer is attending on Thursday, please click the link below to sign up to bring items or donate $ via Venmo @SpiritSwim. We are also in need of Angels for tomorrows home meet...click the links below to sign up to donate to concessions, and to sign up to volunteer to Angel for the next two meets. Be sure to mark your swimmer as attending/not attending for the Sho'men Invitational on July 15th, the link will close tonight.
Be sure to mark your swimmer as attending/not attending for the Sho'men Invitational on July 15th, the link will close tonight. SHOMEN INVITATIONAL 2023
**Concession stand donations are MANDATORY if your swimmer is attending the meet, along with volunteer signups to run the meet! The concession stand is our easiest way to fundraise as families donate items and then the team is able to cover the cost of the pool rental for the meet. Volunteering is SO important to keep this team up and running...without volunteers it is impossible to host meets.